About the Travelers
He Died For Us
so we ride for Him!
He Died For Us, So We Ride For Him
It is our vision to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by shining His light and spreading His word to the lost people wherever the Lord may lead us.
We use our motorcycles as tools to accomplish His mission and promise to ride in the most respectable way within communities, highways, and byways while honoring our Lord Jesus Christ.
We live and ride to do the great commission spoken in Matthew 28:19-20.
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
The members of the Travelers for Jesus MM are all awesome testimonies of the love of Jesus Christ. We believe that together we can help make a difference in peoples lives by showing them the real truth and light of our wonderful Savior and living by example to the fullest by walking and talking in obedience and in the highest respect as we represent our one and only King, Jesus Christ.
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Bevo's Devos
He’s always there for us
Good MorningHappy Tuesday August 3rd Sorry haven’t posted anything the last couple days…..been sick in bed with this horrible head and chest cold I
Let Him lead you
Good Morning Happy Saturday July 31st “Although many of your prayers are not yet answered, you can find hope in My great faithfulness.I keep all
He never fails us
Good Morning Happy Friday July 30th “No matter what hardships the world may throw at you, you have—in Me—everything you need to persevere.Despair is a