Good Morning

Happy Monday June 14th


“Beloved, the Light of My Presence can flow through you
to bless others as you live in close contact with me.
So come near Me just as you are.
Through seeking Me and opening up to Me
you will experience My Light shining upon you and within you.
Let these healing rays soak deep into your being:
blessing you and making you a source
of blessing to other people.”

Jesus Lives by Sarah Young



Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,
who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord.”
Psalm 89:15


Today’s prayer 🙏

Father God,
Your timing is truly amazing!  I know that all of us who live for you will always remember that very special day when you sent to us that very special person to shine Your light into the dark place we were in.

I personally will never forgot when I was sitting it the  loneliest place I could be in,  where there is no form of freedom whatsoever.  A place where I didn’t even see the daylight for 8 months inside that jail cell down in Jefferson county.

But, you know when it’s time to use a person to come in,  to help turn our situation around,  by shining through others in their own unique ways.  And You form them  into that special someone who you use to help others in their dark times.

I thank you Lord Jesus, for pulling me out and forming me into one of your vessels. we can keep that light shining and bring all glory back unto you, God.

I’m forever yours, and I’m ready to be your soldier.

In Jesus’ name,

Today’s question 🤔

Do you remember who God used to shine into your darkness?
It’s time you be that light to go shine on others!!




Pastor Bevo

Keep yourself in the light and love of Jesus, because it is then He blesses your life.

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