Good Morning

Happy Saturday July 31st

“Although many of your prayers are not yet answered,
you can find hope in My great faithfulness.
I keep all My promises in My perfect way and timing.
I have promised to give you Peace that can displace the trouble and fear in your heart.
If you become weary of waiting, remember that I also wait—
that I may be gracious to you and have mercy on you.
I hold back till you’re ready to receive the things I have lovingly prepared for you.
Blessed are all those who wait for Me.”
Jesus Always by Sarah Young



Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled
and do not be afraid.
John 14:27

Today’s prayer 🙏

Father God,

As we go through our days always awaiting for our prayers to be fully answered one thing pops out in my mind;  it is your timing, not ours.  You always know what’s best for us in our lives.  You always see what things needs to be changed and when they need to be changed.  It wasn’t till I was almost 40 that I finally accepted you as my Lord and Saviour.  Because, I truly believe that You had a few more things I needed to see before you applied this beautiful change in my life.  Or maybe I was just stubborn?  Regardless, the bottom line is that we are never too old, and never to young.  Because Jesus is always patiently awaiting for us to choose HIM to lead our life.  Living it the way you, Lord, planned our lives to be.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the new life in Christ you have placed in front of me.

In Jesus’ name,


Today’s question 🤔

Are you ready to let Jesus take your life over?



Pastor Bevo
                   ~Keep yourself in the light and love of Jesus, because it is then He blesses your life.

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