“I watch over all who love Me.
Let this promise of My watch-care comfort you especially during difficult days.
This promise is for you because you love Me.
Of course, it is not a matter of earning
My protection by loving Me.
However, those who belong to Me—and are under My watchful care are the ones who love Me.
This is a response to what I have done: You love Me because I first loved you.”
Jesus Today by Sarah Young
We love Him because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19
Good Morning, Happy Thursday!
Good Morning Jesus,
We cannot even get close to loving you like you love us! You have shown us a love that is endless,
a love that can never die, a love so deep it can fill us completely that nothing can stand In its way.
Our flesh may fail love at times, Yours lasts for eternity.
We thank you for that love, Lord God. It is the peace we all need to survive in this dark world
we live in.
My prayer today is that all creation on this earth come to receive this beautiful love you have to offer all of us.
In Jesus’ name,
Today’s question 🤔
Are you filled with God’s love?
Keep yourself in the light and love of Jesus, because it is then He blesses your life.
Pastor Bevo