Good Morning

Happy Thursday June 3rd

“I invite you to gaze upon My beauty and to seek Me more and more.
This is a most delightful invitation!
You can get glimpses of My loveliness in the wonders of nature,
but these are only tiny, weak reflections of My massive Glory.
The best is indeed yet to come when you will see Me face to Face in heaven.
For now, gazing upon My beauty requires focusing on My unseen Presence
through prayer and meditating on My Word.”

Jesus Always by Sarah Young



One thing I ask from the Lord; this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.”
Psalm 27:4

Today’s prayer 🙏

Good Morning Jesus,

You know as we look all around us at the countless marvels you have set right before our eyes for us to enjoy while living here on this temporary planet, in itself that you created for us to enjoy as well.  There is one thing that is more marvelous than even all of that that sits right under our nose, and that is your words that are written in the Bible. They are the way to come closer and closer to that personal relationship with you Lord, they are a way to see the whole miraculous story unfold right before our eyes .  The stories……the testimonies….the miracles…..the healings…..the struggles…..that only you Lord God could only turn around from the touch of your Mighty hand!!!!

Father, my prayer today is to encourage those who want a change in their lives.  To first ask you into their lives, then second, pick up your map to victory and study it.  So they can also see what true freedom really feels like in their lives, and they too can know deep in their hearts all the promises you have made to us to have total victory in the end…Thank you Lord!

In Jesus’ name,

Today’s question 🤔

Are you living in God’s peace through His word?




Pastor Bevo

Keep yourself in the light and love of Jesus, because it is then He blesses your life.

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