No matter what is happening in your life now,
your story has an amazingly happy ending.
Though the way ahead may look dark to you,
there is brilliant, everlasting Light at the end of your earth-journey. 
My finished work on the cross secured this heavenly hope for you,
and it is absolutely assured. 
Moreover, knowing that your story finishes well can fill your present journey with Joy. 
The more you put your hope in Me,
the more My Love-Light shines upon you brightening your day. 
Remember that I am with you continually,
and I Myself am your Hope!

Jesus Today by Sarah Young

A faith and knowledge
resting on the hope of eternal life,
which God, who does not lie,
promised before the beginning of time.

Titus 1:2


Father God,
I can think of 3 lives of 3 different people you have not only pulled out of darkness, but turned them into being great lights on the Hill to help many others to live for you.

Pastor Pat Rankin
A man who lived on the edge before coming to know You.  Full of pride and he would rather
stomp you in the ground rather than look at you.  But, You softened his heart and use him now in a mighty way as a man who is not afraid to stand for the truth of your word.  He brings many to you, Lord, through his unique way of preaching.

Pastor Aaron Cofer
A man of war who has been through so much and seen so much.   Who wouldn’t give a civilian the time of day when he came back into the regular world.  But, you changed his heart, and now he is a great leader.  Not only to our youth, but to many younger generations.  He shows the stern love from Your word Lord, so that it cannot be sugar coated in any way.  Helping the next generation to come live solely for your truth, Lord.

Pastor Bevo (Me)
A man that thought the hustle of the world was the only way to survive.  A way that only landed me facing 17 years in prison.  But, you shined your Mercy on me, and showed me that there is still hope no matter how old we are in our life.  You turned my heart from my sinful nature into a man who loves and cares for all mankind.   Taking the  beautiful light you shined
on me through my dark times and shining it on others wherever I’m at in this world.


These are just 3 great, dramatic, life changed, men,  that just happen to be the Pastors at our church HBWT.  But, Lord, throughout this church I am a witness of your mercies, power, and love through many more testimonies.  There are so many more great men and women that we stand with, Praising you, Lord.  For your glory in the works you planted in all of us – THANK YOU, LORD JESUS!

In Jesus’ name,

Today’s question 🤔

Do you see the change God has done in your life?



Pastor Bevo

Keep yourself in the light and love of Jesus, because it is then He blesses your life.

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