Good Morning

Happy Friday June 4th

“As you give yourself more and more to a life of constant communion with Me,
you will find that you simply have no time for worry.
Thus, you are freed to let My Spirit direct your steps,
enabling you to walk along the path of Peace.”

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young


because of the tender mercy of our God,
whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light
to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Luke 1:78‭-‬79

Today’s prayer 🙏

Thank you, Lord Jesus

For your tender mercies on us everyday.  You shine into our darkness everyday to keep us in your radiant light so we may have an abundance of peace in our lives throughout our days.  Living here on this temporary place you created for us to grow closer to you while here.  Here is where we find out if we are fit to come to your high place in heaven, by the way we choose to live before it is our time to come home.

My prayer today is that all of us who brought You into our hearts live by example to show others the way to eternity in heaven, to live with you for ever and ever.


Today’s question 🤔

Do you know where you’re going when your time is up here?



Pastor Bevo

Keep yourself in the light and love of Jesus, because it is then He blesses your life.

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